click here for index page, title list, free access to web versions, and order form for hard copies

PIP_Tra C S 























proposing a new series:


Papers In Intercultural Philosophy – Transcontinental Comparative Studies (PIP_TraCS)

date of inception: 1st July, 2009


in conjunction with: Quest: An African Journal of Philosophy/Revue Africaine de Philosophy

and the Philosophical Faculty, Erasmus University Rotterdam, the Netherlands


series editor: Wim van Binsbergen (e-mail:  )

(Philosophical Faculty, Erasmus University Rotterdam, the Netherlands / Research Unit on Connections in African Knowledge, African Studies Centre, Leiden, the Netherlands)


In order to further Intercultural Philosophy (as a rapidly growing sub-discipline where philosophy and the social sciences meet, addressing many of today’s most urgent problems), and also in order to further, already at an initial and pre-publication stage, the international circulation of the extensive work (both theoretical and empirical) done in recent years around the chair in the Foundations of Intercultural Philosophy at Erasmus University Rotterdam and the Research Unit on Connections in African Knowledge, African Studies Centre, Leiden, we are hereby establishing a series of (Working) Papers in Intercultural Philosophy and Transcontinental Comparative Studies (abbreviated: PIP_TraCS).

    The series will be uniformly formatted, each title will be freely available on the Internet in PDF form at the series’ webpage, but via the latter also hard copies will be made available to the general public in book form at the cost of about €15.00 per 100 pages, postage not included. The series’ preferred languages are English, French, German, and Dutch, but contributions in other languages will also be contemplated; texts in other than West European languages (African, Asian, American, Australian, Oceanian, as well as Eastern European) will be eligible if accompanied by a facing text in a West European language. Each volume will contain up to ten key words (both English and French) and a relatively extensive abstract (also in both languages) to be circulated internationally in specialised bibliographical periodicals.

    While authors having a connection with the Chair of Foundations of Intercultural Philosophy, Erasmus University Rotterdam, and with Quest: An African Journal of Philosophy, will initially prevail among the contributors to this series, scholars from whatever institutional affiliation including independent scholars, and from whatever country or continent, are encouraged to submit their manuscripts (exclusively in digital form, by e-mail). In order to limit the amount of in-house copy editing, authors will themselves be primarily responsible for the preparation of their text, at an adequate level of orthographic and stylistic accomplishment, with abstracts in both English and French, and key words (max. 10) also in these two languages. We will follow the style sheet and detailed rules for submission of Quest: An African Journal of Philosophy (see: ). While the authors retain the copyright to their text, they will nominally (through the simple act of submitting their text) cede such use rights to the series editor as allow the latter to publish and republish the text on the Internet and as hard copy. An ISBN number will be issued for each separate title. The more voluminous titles will preferably be accompanied by an index, to be compiled by the author. Authors will receive three copies free, and may purchase any number of hard copies against 25% discount.


1st July 2009

Wim M.J. van Binsbergen


click here for index page, title list, free access to web versions, and order form for hard copies